As a California State University employee, you’ll join the ranks of the dedicated staff and renowned educators, scholars and researchers who make the CSU an outstanding system of higher education and a great place to work.
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As the nation’s largest and most diverse university system, the California State University seeks dedicated faculty and staff who reflect our diversity and commitment to inclusion and student success. All positions at the CSU offer competitive compensation and benefits, a supportive working environment and the chance to advance professionally. Faculty who join one of our 23 universities will work with gifted colleagues who have achieved distinction in teaching, scholarship or service.
Read About Our Faculty & Staff Facts About The CSU Why The CSU Matters The CSU Drives California’s Economy CSU’s Commitment to Student Success
The CSU’s comprehensive benefits program includes health plans, retirement, investment options, paid time off and much more.
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The CSU offers compelling compensation packages to inspire and reward efficiency, effectiveness and excellence.
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The safety and security of CSU students, faculty, staff and visitors is a priority at each of our 23 universities and the Chancellor’s Office.
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The university is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, religion, color, ancestry, age, disability, genetic information, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, medical condition, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, covered veteran status, or any other protected status. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified applicants with disabilities who self-disclose by contacting your campus Human Resources officer.